Saturday, April 19, 2008

Stretching the Dollar when Purchasing Food

With the price of gasoline going up each day, as consumers, we need to work harder to stretch each dollar. This clip provides you with some points to consider.

Here are a few things I do to stretch my dollars when purchasing food.
  1. Use the grocery store flyers. The grocery stores near me send out their flyers and I find great deals in them.
  2. Use the coupons! It doesn't take many of them to start saving money.
  3. Buy fruits and vegatables in season. You will be surprised by how much you can save. If you want something that is not in season, consider frozen. Canned is ok. But, frozen is better.
  4. Buy items in bulk if possible and use a vacuum sealer. Yes, it is expensive, but it will save you money if you use it.
  5. Buy store brands rather than name brands. You will definitely be surprised to find out that the store brands are often produced by the name brand companies. There is no shame in buying store brands. When you have to make every dollar count, you should do it.
  6. If possible, cook food in batches. I cook for an entire week if possible during the weekends. In order to keep the air conditioner from running, I cook outdoors as much as possible. By cooking chicken breasts on the grill for example, you have meals for several days. As unintended benefits, you save time during the week by reheating the chicken and save on your electric bill by not heating up the entire house when cooking.

In no time, you will find more time and money by following these tips. If you have tips you would like to share, please post them.

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