Friday, April 26, 2013

The Grapehound Wine Tour® - Leesburg, Virginia

Friday, May 10, 2013 - Sunday, May 12, 2013 from 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Leesburg, Virginia

Lost Creek Winery
43277 Spinks Ferry Road
Leesburg, Virginia 20176-5629

Cost: $30

The Grapehound Wine Tour®-Virginia is a celebration of greyhounds, sighthounds and their adoption.  The event provides all registrants with a commemorative wine glass, an "Adopt a Greyhound" car magnet, and tickets to taste wine at numerous participating area wineries.  Vending and wine tasting starts late Friday morning at Lost Creek Winery and features an enormous wedding tent with dozens of vendors selling everything from doggie coats and treats to artwork, jewelry, glassware, stained glass, designer coffees and more.

Friday evening we feature a Welcome event at North Gate Vineyards near Purcellville.  More wine tasting and socializing, along with hors d'oeuvres and other food offerings provided.

Saturday we are back at Lost Creek for seminars, music, wine tasting, a huge selection of vendors, seminars and food.  Sunday the event continues at a third host winery yet to be determined for this year.  Other participating wineries include Hidden Brook Winery, Dry Mill Winery, Quattro Goombas Winery and Willowcroft Vineyards.

Wine tasting pass for all events all weekend is $30 and all proceeds after costs go to over ten area groups who bring greyhounds from race tracks and place them into loving homes.

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