Friday, October 19, 2012

Annual Grape Stomp at Water 2 Wine - Houston, Texas

Saturday, October 20, 2012 from 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Houston, Texas

Water 2 Wine
3331 Westpark
Houston, Texas 77005

Our 4th Annal Grape Stomp will start at Noon - 5:00.  Customers are invited to join us for another great Grape Stomp - Yes, you really will get your feet into the juice:
Bring your family and friends
Grape Stomp T-shirts - with your footprints on them
Door Prize Drawings throughout the day
Fundraiser for Recipes 4 Success

Cost: The Grape Stomp is free. Wine and food can be purchased at the event.

For more information, click here to website their website.

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