Wednesday, October 24, 2012

'Merica: Cheese of the Union - Houston, Texas

Thursday, October 25, 2012 from 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Houston, Texas

Houston Dairymaids
2201 Airline Drive
Houston, Texas 77009

It's election time here in the good ole US of A. To celebrate this season of patriotism, we here at the Houston Dairymaids are focusing on what brings all citizens together, regardless of political leanings: cheese. So set your candidates aside and unite around our favorite dairy treat.

We will be serving six delightful cheeses from a range of states across our great country along with samples of tasty beverages. Learn about the history of cheese in America, and vote for your favorite to become President of the United Cheeses of America. Special guest Zoe Brickley, of Cellars at Jasper Hill, will be present to discuss her cheeses and answer any questions about the revival of the cheese movement in Vermont. We are thrilled to snag her away from her busy schedule and solidify the alliance between Texas and Vermont!

Please plan to arrive anytime after 6pm, and the tasting will begin at 6:30.

Cost: $40 + tax

For more information, click here to visit their website.

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