Saturday, January 26, 2013

Monthly Blind Tasting - Houston, Texas

Tuesday, January 29, 2013 from 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Houston, Texas

Vintners Own Winery
3482 W. 12th Street, Suite A
Houston, Texas 77008

Cost: $30 online - $40 @ the door

This tasting group is open to ANYONE who wants to expand and test their palate.

This is intended to be a professional and regularly accuring tasting group. The idea is to have wine professional and enthusiasts get together to evaluate wines and to create a sense of community amongst wine lovers in Houston.

The objective for each tasting is to determine 5 components using technical, comparative and deductive evaluation. This is a blind tasting to determine...

Vintage +/- 2yrs.
Production Technique

This will be a great opportunity to taste several wines from world class growing areas, network with other Austin professionals/enthusiasts and expand your palate. There is a minimum of 6 wines poured and each each tasting is lead by a GUSTO Sommelier. We are limited to 25 guests so don't wait to RSVP...

$40 at the door if there is space. RSVP in advance, we can't guarantee your spot if you dont!

If you have any questions you can contact GUSTO directly @

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